"On May 9, 2019 at approx. [approximately] 18:00 UTC Fedor [Konyukhov] crossed the finish line of Diego Ramirez [Islands] Longitude (68.68W [West]) within vicinity of land and with this has officially completed his row across the South Pacific Ocean from west to east," the Ocean Rowing Society International said in a statement.
READ MORE: Famous Russian Traveler Sets New World Record for Longest Air Balloon Flight
It took Konyukhov 154 days to complete the first stage of his round-the-world row, which is expected to consist of three phases.
— Эдуард Дрозд (@olshan75) 10 мая 2019 г.
In 2016, Konyukhov also dared to break a world record and performed a non-stop solo hot air balloon flight around the globe in just 11 days and four hours. He covered over 21,800 miles.
In 2013-2014, he finished a solo-rowing non-stop voyage across the Pacific Ocean, reaching the Australian coast after a 159-day adventure.
In 2002, the adventurer set a world record by crossing the Atlantic Ocean solo on a rowboat in 46 days and four hours. The record remained intact for around 11 years.