Mr Zhou is the owner of a rage-room called “Smash - anxiety space” with an average of 300 - 400 visitors each month:
“Young people usually come just to have fun, to spend time in a new and unusual way. Office workers come to relieve stress after hard work. We have regulars among IT workers who generally come once a month to relieve their stress buildup. Some people come because their business failed, others are getting divorced. Now is exam season so we get a lot of students coming in before their exams”, he says.
Zhuo added that young women come more frequently than young men.

Smashing bottles and old household appliances is not all the creators of the Beijing rage room have to offer their visitors. Those afraid to break glass can opt to tear apart old books or rip up pillows. Most people actually prefer breaking glass.
“It’s not a good idea to smash a bottle or a TV at home, and that option is also very expensive. When a bottle breaks, it makes a loud ringing sound, the sound of glass breaking creates a feeling of release from stress and helps to let out emotions”, says Zhuo.

Psychologists often bring their clients to these rooms, and after they relieve stress, they can have a session. Sputnik also spoke to a rage-room visitor to hear her impressions after her psychological release session.
“It's great! I had a big fight with my boyfriend, so I found some company and came here to relieve stress. We are here for the first time, I read a lot about this place on the Internet and heard about it from friends” she said.
The owners of the centre strictly monitor the safety of their clients, visitors are provided with protective clothing and gear in addition to baseball bats, before being allowed to run amok and destroy everything in their paths. Special clothing includes thick overalls, rubber boots, gloves and helmets. Still, injuries can sometimes occur.

“Some guests want to take pictures, so they take off their gloves for convenience. There have been situations when visitors broke the rules and injured their hands with shards of glass”, said Zhuo.
For security reasons, people under the influence of alcohol are strictly prohibited from entering the "rage-room,” and minors can let out stress only if accompanied by an adult.