A small fast food outlet has recently appeared within the red brick walls of the Moscow Kremlin, allowing people visiting the iconic landmark to grab a bite to eat without having to leave the premises, according to local media reports.
If the images of the stall that surfaced on social media are to be believed, the selection of food offered at the outlet consists of burgers, hot dogs, sandwiches, fries and shashlik (shish kebab), along with an assortment of non-alcoholic beverages.
В Кремль завезли фастфуд. В ларьке с вывеской «Кремлевский» можно отведать бургеры, сэндвичи и шашлыки вроде даже за вполне адекватные деньги — 250-300 рублей. Еще есть хот-доги и картофель фри за 150 и 100 рублейhttps://t.co/QRSq04yKQj pic.twitter.com/yTdY2tiaso
— Мослента (@moslenta) 4 июля 2019 г.
Commenting on this development, one social media source quipped that the Kremlin is now ready for a visit by Donald Trump "because cola and burgers are already here", possibly referring to the US president's well-known fondness of fast food.