Indonesian Teacher Catches Python With Bare Hands After It Disrupts Lesson (Video)

© Photo : YouTube/Sulbar KiniAksi Berani Ibu Guru di Mamuju Tengah Tangkap Ular Piton dari Tempat Sampah
Aksi Berani Ibu Guru di Mamuju Tengah Tangkap Ular Piton dari Tempat Sampah - Sputnik International
A three-metre python crawled into a local school during a lesson in the town of Tobadak in the Indonesian province of West Sulawesi.

Teacher Putu Ayu, 27, grabbed a giant snake that had crawled inside a trash bin with her bare hands, trying to save the children and calm them down. 

"It was the first time that I captured a snake. [I did this] because the students became hysterical and couldn’t concentrate on the lessons due to the snake’s presence", she said as quoted by website.

According to the teacher, the python resisted, but other teachers and several brave schoolchildren helped her bind the snake's snout. The woman emphasised that reptiles often crawl into the school building. 

Locals later carried the python away from the building and neither the snake nor people were hurt in the incident.

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