Over the Top? No, a Statement of Reality.
Let’s look at the facts: In the last 48 hours we have had 2 teenagers stabbed to death in London. The latest young murder victim in Brixton is the sixteenth teenager to be killed on the streets of our capital this year and his death is the ninety first murder in London this year.
Meanwhile lawyer and family man, Peter Duncan, was stabbed to death with a screwdriver in Newcastle, allegedly by at least seven teenagers the youngest being only 14! And this morning, as I write this column, news is breaking that a Police Officer, Andrew Harper, has been murdered in Berkshire whilst attending an attempted burglary. Details are sketchy at the moment but one thing is certain that 10 people have been arrested including, wait for it, a 13-year-old boy.
Meanwhile, in the La La land of UK politics Remainiacs are doing all they can to kick Boris out of Number 10 and everything to keep us in the EU. Today 70 politicians and lawyers, led by Jo Swinson and Heidi Allen, have been granted permission and a ton of our dosh to challenge the PM’s right to prorogue or suspend Parliament to push through a no deal Brexit.
This bunch of EU loving appeasers are doing everything they can to stop you getting your country back and their action stems from Boris quite rightly stating to the EU chiefs that Britain will be leaving the bloc, “do or die”, by October 31. All the polls suggest that the country is with Boris and not these self-serving pigs and democracy deniers.
I said the silly season in politics had started early in my previous column but now this is not comedy this a tragi-comedy developing in our country.
It really escalated with Comrade Corbyn suggesting that he should lead a coup and replace Boris as an interim PM. If you ever doubted Corbyn’s real political leanings they are now as clear as day. He and his Marxist, anti-Semite, IRA and terrorist loving comrades would use this interim Government to try and seize power and they would be a disaster for the country.

Corbyn asked Jo Swinson, the new leader of the Lib Dems, to join him in his so-called vote of no confidence in Boris. At first, she rebuffed him but only because she doesn’t want him to be the actual PM. Clearly, she has been having her own deluded fantasies of measuring up for new curtains in number 10!
She and her ragbag of a party then suggested Ken Clarke or Harriet Harman could be installed as leader to unite the nation! I presume her choice was limited as one of the Chuckle Brothers has unfortunately passed away?
This morning, Swinson informed ‘Lord Haw Haw central’, the Today programme on BBC Radio 4, that she had spoken to both of them and that, “They put public duty first and they don't want to see a no-deal Brexit.”
Continuing her ‘Grimm’ fairy tale, she announced, "If the House of Commons asks them to lead an emergency government to get our country out of this Brexit mess and to stop us driving off that cliff to a no-deal, then yes, they are prepared to do that."
You What?
Excuse me, the referendum ballot paper said clearly the choice was: should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European union?

The choice was clear: Remain a member of the European Union, Leave the European Union. This was even backed up when The House of Muppets first tried to stop Brexit with all that Article 50 guff and indeed when all the parties said that they would respect the result in the last general election.
So What Planet is Swinson on?
The stench of self-serving hypocrisy is off the scale and I for one can’t wait for a general election so that we can give these EU loving, Brit haters their just deserts. But there’s more, as Jimmy Cricket used to say in his comedy routines.
Swinson is not alone, as many are scrambling over each other to get through that door and become Traitor Number 1 in the UK. There were even people phoning and texting BBC radio stations yesterday suggesting that Theresa May should return, to lead the revolt against Boris and the people of the UK? And that is definitely no joke!
In the ranks of the deluded though, there is only one real star and that is Tory, Guto Bebb (no I’ve never heard of him either) who announced pompously that he would rather have a Comrade Corbyn led government than leave the EU on WTO terms!
I Trust His Constituency Party Will Deselect Him Immediately.
This no mark, who was a defence minister, isn’t Google search a wonderful tool to find out about tools, said, “I think that those who have said they will do anything necessary to stop the long-term damage of a no-deal exit must take seriously this type of offer.”
The Brexit Broadcasting Corporation and Sly News have jumped on all this nonsense and fantasy and have breathlessly reported all this undemocratic tosh as if it could actually happen without once pausing for breath and considering the consequences of this anti-democratic move. There would be riots across the UK and real anarchy on the streets and it wouldn’t just be London that was burning.
Do you really want Abacus Abbot in charge of the Home Office? A woman who thinks stop and search should never be expanded as it is ‘waycist.’

Who along with Sadiq Khan seems to think that opening another youth club or buying a pool table will stop these savages knifing each other. That softer prison sentences and less prisons would deter 13 and 14 year olds from knifing decent law-abiding innocent citizens in the street or from dragging a cop, just doing his duty, along the road with a car.
Do you really want a man like Corbyn who disrespected both the Queen and the leader of the Free world by not attending a State banquet when Trump was in town? Do you really want a man who wants to put flowers on our Trident missiles and would refuse to push the button if it was necessary?
A Man Who Conveniently Forgets His Long History of Being Buddies With Our Enemies or Terrorist Scum.
I want Boris to push on and get us out of the EU before Halloween if possible. I am delighted with the news that he is today taking the fight straight to the EU Mafia and the traitors in his own party and the assorted remainiacs like Swinson by ordering Brexit Secretary Stephen Barclay to sign a “commencement order” that will cement his “do or die” pledge to leave the bloc by October 31.
Once this is signed it will end the jurisdiction of European law having supremacy in the UK. This is a massive moment for our democracy and our nation.
We need Boris to win this battle and floor his opponents and get back onto the real agenda of supporting hard working families the length and breadth of this country and cracking down hard on the feral the feckless and the downright dangerous who are turning our scepterd Isle in to a septic Isle.
The people, it would appear, are right in Boris’ corner and he and the people will win despite the cheating and dodging of the democracy deniers.
Views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of Sputnik.