How does the alliance react to the new measures regarding economics, finance and migration introduced by the DP-5SM (Democratic Party and the 5 Star Movement)? Will there be peaceful opposition to new “ius soli” and “ius culturae” bills or will we see street protests?
Georgia Meloni, Leader of the Fratelli d’Italia Party, shared her thoughts about the government's agenda, including migration policy.
Sputnik: According to the Quorum/YouTrend poll, 60% of Italians are negative about the second government of Giuseppe Conte. How do centre-rightists plan to respond to this data?
Georgia Meloni: This is the first Italian government that didn’t have a honeymoon of voter support. Most Italians understood very well that the government had been created artificially, with the explicit support of Brussels, Paris and Berlin. Our goal is to build an uncompromising opposition both in parliament and beyond, and then prepare for the formation of a new government; because sooner or later elections will be called and we’ll step in.
Sputnik: The red-and-yellow left government is allowing more and more migrants into the country. Will they somehow correct Salvini’s law on national security, or will it be completely revised?
Georgia Meloni: The law was essentially repealed when, just a couple of hours after the inauguration, the new government allowed an NGO ship to land a group of migrants in Italy, despite the ban approved by the previous government. Every time the leftists rule, the number of migrants grows: illegal carriers know that there is nothing better for them than “open ports” statements.

Sputnik: The “ius soli” bill is again on the government’s agenda. What’s your take on that?
Georgia Meloni: On 3 October, a demonstration will take place in front of the Parliament to collect signatures against the “ius soli” and “ius culturae,” which actually makes the granting of Italian citizenship automatic. This government was supposed to reduce tensions in society regarding the VAT increase, but it doesn’t really do that. They talk about measures against tax increases, but their first bill is about granting citizenship to migrants.
Our party is ready to fight: we call for all citizens to take part in the collection of signatures that will take place in front of the Parliament on Thursday, 3 October, and throughout Italy on the weekend. We will demand that the head of state not support the law, which the Italians don’t want to adopt; we are even ready to hold a referendum to repeal it.
Sputnik: Do you plan to make any specific proposals?
Georgia Meloni: We always did that, with a single tax on additional income, the benefits to young parents, a sharp reduction in taxes for companies that provide jobs. But I’m afraid we’ll have to focus on reducing the flow of new taxes, another pet project of the leftists, in addition to migrants.
Sputnik: What do you expect from the new demonstration scheduled for 19 October?
Georgia Meloni: I hope to see many supporters again, like on 9 September, when I called on the citizens of Rome to come to the square in front of the Chamber of Deputies. Our party should work hard in opposition to join the new government.
But let everyone remember, including Salvini and Berlusconi: [there should be] no more compromise governments, no more governments with the Democratic Party and the 5 Star Movement.