A cat that was the main target of an investigation into delivering drugs in a Tula prison, Russia has disappeared, Russian media reported on Wednesday.
According to reports, the investigators put the cat in a pet's corner under "surveillance," but it managed to escape. The lawyer of a defendant says that without the cat it's impossible to hold an investigative experiment and find out whether the cat was capable of transporting the drugs.
Кот-наркокурьер сбежал от российских следователей
— ГлавТвит (@GlavTW) 16 октября 2019 г.
Следствие по делу о доставке наркотиков в тульскую исправительную колонию №6 (ИК-6) утратило главное вещественное доказательство — кота, при помощи которого доставлялись запрещенные вещества. Следователи поместили животное в ... pic.twitter.com/xroElKyI2Q
The lawyer added that a person, who was in charge of watching after the cat should be punished, while the case should be abandoned.
According to the investigation papers, a defendant put a collar with a little pocket on a cat that that was to deliver drugs from outside the prison. The plan, however, didn't work out and the man was arrested, while the cat became the main corpus delicti.