Heavy rain that hit the Liguria region in the northwest of Italy on Sunday caused the collapse of a segment of a motorway bridge on the A6 Torino-Savona highway, about a kilometer from the coastal city of Savona. The bridge collapsed following a massive landslide that hit the area.
#Savona, frana sul viadotto #A6: #vigilidellfuoco impegnati nella ricerca di eventuali auto coinvolte pic.twitter.com/vJmi5RLRA1
— Vigili del Fuoco (@emergenzavvf) November 24, 2019
No casualties had been reported, although the head of Liguria’s regional government, Giovanni Toti, said earlier on Sunday at a news conference that the collapse of the bridge may have affected a vehicle.
Search operations continue by several fire brigade teams who arrived at the site along with 118 personnel, traffic police, as well as technical staff from the highway and SIAS.
Crolla la montagna e travolge #viadotto su autostrada A6 Torino-Savona, poco prima di #Savona. In diretta i colleghi della Tgr Liguria pic.twitter.com/cwzdJ7twuF
— Luca Ponzi (@luponzi) November 24, 2019
Following the collapse of the bridge, SIAS closed the highway in both directions until further notice, although only one of the two separate carriageways had collapsed, while the second was reported to have been unaffected by the massive landslide.
Another local road in the area neighboring the motorway was also washed away by the landslide.
#Savona #A6, proseguono le operazioni di ricerca dei #vigilidelfuoco, rese difficili dall’inaccessibilità del luogo. Inviate squadre #usar, #cinofili, mezzi movimento terra #24novembre 16:45 pic.twitter.com/OpGvGVyPkR
— Vigili del Fuoco (@emergenzavvf) November 24, 2019