"American voters believe that Trump will definitely (27 percent) or probably (39 percent) get re-elected in November. Just 22 percent say he will probably lose to the Democrat and only 6 percent say he will definitely lose to the Democrat," a press release summarizing the poll said.
The release described Republicans as "brimming with confidence" with 59 percent saying re-election is definite and 34 percent probable. Democrats, on the other hand, are not so certain about their chances, with just 11 percent saying their party’s nominee will definitely beat Trump and 44 percent saying Trump will probably lose, the release also said.
Meanwhile, just over 4 in 10 (42 percent) registered voters feel that Trump should be re-elected, while a majority (55 percent) say it is time to have someone new in the Oval Office, the release added.
While most voters want to see Trump turned out of office, his steady ratings through the entire impeachment process and memories of how 2016 turned out to suggest that few are willing to bet against him, according to the release.