The suspects were detained on 14 February and were arrested by court order, the Kazakh authorities said in an official statement.
"During investigative actions at their place of residence, a homemade explosive device with striking elements, components for its manufacture, knives, smartphones with photo and video material of alleged targets for the attack were seized", the committee said.
Сотрудники Комитета национальной безопасности (КНБ) Казахстана пресекли готовящиеся теракты и арестовали двух человек, которые планировали атаки в местах массового скопления людей. Об этом сообщила пресс-служба КНБ Казахстана во вторник.
— SwankyStas (@StasSwanky) February 18, 2020
According to investigators, the arrestees were preparing terrorist acts in the republic, including in crowded places.