Let’s stop listening to a pig tailed school truant and treating her like a child messiah, and let’s stop turning a blind eye to eco fascists digging up University lawns and get a bit of balance into the climate debate, shall we?
I’m sorry I’ve had enough of this climate codswallop and the idea that we should all wear horse hair shirts and pay through the nose for everything from diesel, plastic bags and now bloody coal and logs.
Every green initiative culminates in you and I being made to feel like a green pariah and a soft target to squeeze even more tax out of. I am sick to the back teeth of being treated like a cash cow for others to play their green gesture politics.
This doesn’t mean that I think we shouldn’t take global warming seriously. I think we should BUT I want to hear all sides of the argument, not just the constant “we are all going to burn” rhetoric that the BBC and the MSM spew out.
Crayola Crayon Politics
I am a man-made global warming cynic because I believe all real debate on the subject has been suppressed and there has been no balance or reasoned discussion.
Greta and the eco fascists of Extinction Rebellion, in between holding London to ransom and digging up Cambridge University lawns, with what looks like the tacit agreement of the cops, have been allowed to dominate the agenda and all opposition has been silenced. This has obviously been led by the BBC.
However, now the newspaper industry and most organisations and companies are also petrified not to sing from the same eco-hymn sheet and will not dare hold a different position on man-made climate change for fear of a Twitter backlash and a campaign to boycott their businesses.

This is dangerous, much more dangerous, than the rantings of a 16-year-old autistic child predicting that the world will end in 8 years. Give over, and go and do your homework love!
Whilst politicians and ex-royals lecture us on climate emergency from 36 thousand feet in their private jets, those of us on the ground are picking up the tab again as per blooming usual.
The idea of banning wet logs and real coal is so daft it really doesn’t justify me venting my spleen. According to the newspapers there are only 2.6 million homes that use these forms of fuel in England so a ban is like applying an Elastoplast on a severed jugular when you compare it to the carbon emissions in India or China. This is politics drawn with a Crayola crayon.
Milking the Public in the Name of Nature
I was in India earlier this year and the smog in Mumbai was off the scale just as was the litter in the so-called tropical paradise, Goa.
Me burning real coal and a few logs in historic Warwick is hardly going to make a jot of difference until we sort out that, is it?
I’m lucky to live in an area where we can burn real coal and I am afraid there is nothing better than coming home to a real fire. You just don’t get the same heat or colour from briquettes. Also, who burns wet wood? Everyone knows you have to dry out your logs or buy them kiln dried if you want them to light; just as a side issue - how are the kilns powered?
Whenever there is a problem that needs addressing the politicians first response is to charge us the common folk more to use the product.
So, with flying its now got to the point where the taxes are often more than the cost of the flight.
With plastic, they charged us for the plastic bags but did very little to force the supermarkets or manufacturers to cut down on packaging.
To be fair the plastic bag campaign has worked quite well but I can’t help but feel at 20 pence a pop, that someone, somewhere is cleaning up, and I’m not talking about the environment.
Boris’ latest plan to scrap diesel cars won’t affect him or the Westminster bubble but will really hit working class families again.
The car was the liberator of the working class: it allowed us to travel like we had never before.
We were encouraged to buy diesel cars and diesel was always cheaper at the pump. Now we are told we must all go electric by 2035 and that the 10-year fuel duty freeze will probably end in the next budget. Again, drivers are being treated like cash cows.
What is Boris going to do with all the cars that will still be perfectly usable in 2035?
It’s not as if we have an alternative, as public transport, especially the railways, is both useless and too expensive.
Boris might have his shiny new white elephant train set of Hs2 to play with but for most of us it will be too expensive and not in the right place to travel on.
You can’t just decide on a whim to ‘let the train take the strain’ as the cost is prohibitive. A family of four wanting to travel to London on a weekday basically need a second mortgage to fund it, unless they book months in advance, on a wet Thursday in a month with a Z in it and manage to navigate those websites which are designed not to sell you the cheapest ticket but the most expensive.
So, what do working-class families do? They get in their beloved car, put up with the youngest ones travel sickness, eat their own homemade sandwiches and head for the seaside or more likely the congestion of our ‘UN-smart’ motorways.
Time for a new Lady Godiva?
This is the real world we live in, not the fantasy of the politicians and rock and film stars. They can afford to prostrate themselves on the altar of climate emergency and offset their carbon imprint by planting a few trees but they expect us to cancel that EasyJet flight to Spain for two weeks of sun.
But it’s not just the politicians, pop stars and film stars who indulging in mass hysteria over climate change, major retailers, businesses and even bloody airports are desperate to brag about their carbon offsetting and concern for the planet. Heathrow airport have just pompously declared that they are carbon neutral! Give me effing strength! Are they checking that everywhere their planes land are doing the same? Surely this is a case of turkeys voting for Christmas on a global scale.
Does any of this fool you because it certainly doesn’t fool me?
The news today that delivery of coal sales are going to be phased out by 2023 took me right back to my childhood in Coventry. We used to play in Poretta’s coal yard behind the bingo hall on Radford road. The family’s daughter, Pru, became famous locally for playing Lady Godiva at Civic events.
Now I’m wondering if we need another modern-day Godiva to strip off and walk the streets of the UK to once again oppose these oppressive green taxes that are being imposed on the masses without their consent.