Pakistan's Science and Technology Minister Fawad Hussain has come under fire for calling India "Endia" in a tweet. The minister has a reputation of being a motormouth and making spelling mistakes in his tweets. However, this time it wasn't a misspelling but his attempt to take a dig at a Hindu from India celebrating Eid.
— Ch Fawad Hussain (@fawadchaudhry) May 26, 2020
Netizens are questioning why a minister is acting like an internet troll and have their own explanations for it.
— FJ (@Natsecjeff) May 26, 2020
— MADIA KHAN (@iam_Madia_khan) May 26, 2020
— Sajeda Akhtar (@Sajeda_Akhtar) May 26, 2020
Last week, the minister was caught in a controversy over the Eid moon sighting. He declared that Eid-ul Fitr would be celebrated on Sunday even before the announcement of the religious affairs committee on Saturday.
"In various matters, including the issue of moon sighting, sectarianism prevails through logic, law and science and technology should be consulted and given priority", he had said.