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Police Use Tear Gas Against Protesters in Minnesota After Arrest Leaves Local Man Dead - Videos

© REUTERS / ERIC MILLERProtesters gather at the scene where George Floyd, an unarmed black man, was pinned down by a police officer kneeling on his neck before later dying in hospital in Minneapolis, Minnesota, U.S. May 26, 2020.
Protesters gather at the scene where George Floyd, an unarmed black man, was pinned down by a police officer kneeling on his neck before later dying in hospital in Minneapolis, Minnesota, U.S. May 26, 2020. - Sputnik International
The outrage was sparked by footage of a Minneapolis citizen handcuffed with a police officer pinning him to the ground with his knee on his neck. The man had repeatedly told the police he could not breathe before he became silent and later passed away in the hospital.

Thousands of protesters have gathered outside the Minneapolis Police Department's (MPD) 3rd precinct following the death of black man George Floyd. The local police have used tear gas, rubber bullets, and sound grenades against the marchers.

Videos shared on social media show officers in riot gear trying to disperse the protests, which, at some point, became openly violent.

Angry citizens were seen collecting grenades and throwing them back at the police, vandalising police cars, and smashing windows.

Other protesters decided to break into the MPD's parking lot to smash the vehicles.

The Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) and the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension are now investigating the matter. Mayor Jacob Frey said the four officers involved in the fatal arrest have been terminated, while Floyd's family demanded that they be charged with murder.

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