Shopping Buddies: Golden Retrievers Visit a Store

© Photo : Instagramretrievers
retrievers - Sputnik International
Do you like shopping? Is it a pleasure or a hard work for you? If you consider shopping to be rather a boring duty than a joyful way to buy necessary things, have a pet companion next time you go to a store and see what happens.

A video recently uploaded to Instagram shows two golden retrievers coming to a shop. 

Having accompanied their owner for shopping, these two goldens did not look confused when they saw closed doors in front of them. One of the dogs pushed the door open and entered the shop, while the other hesitated a bit and stayed outside. Seconds later, the first doggo pushed another door open and let its buddy in.

True friends and perfect companions!

Публикация от goldenretriever_lilly® (@goldenretriever_lilly)

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