"On June 15, 2020, the on-duty units of the air defense forces of the Western Military District detected in time the actions of the US strategic bombers B-52H and surveillance planes of foreign states over the neutral waters of the Baltic Sea and had Russian fighter jets follow them," the ministry said in a statement.
Russian Fighters Scrambled to Intercept US Bombers Over Baltic Sea
16:13 GMT 15.06.2020 (Updated: 08:54 GMT 17.06.2020)
© Sputnik / Sergey Pivovarov / Go to the mediabankAn Su-27 airplane during demonstration performances at the exhibition of weapons and military equipment in Rostov-on-Don.

© Sputnik / Sergey Pivovarov
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KALININGRAD (Sputnik) - The Russia military detected the activities of the US B-52H bombers and surveillance planes over the neutral waters of the Baltic Sea and scrambled fighter jets to follow them, the Russian Defense Ministry said Monday.