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'Oh, And I'm Running For President': Hilary Duff Speaks on US COVID-19 Response

© Blogger photo hilaryduff/screenshotSinger and actress Hilary Duff
Singer and actress Hilary Duff - Sputnik International
By tweeting his presidential bid, Kanye West triggered a massive online flashmob of people jokingly joining the race for the Oval Office, with many of the famous happily engaging as well.

In an Instagram post, American actress and singer Hilary Duff shared her opinion on how the coronavirus pandemic has affected the United States, noting that what should have been a response to COVID-19 turned into a "political stance between parties".

She also denounced people who refuse to wear masks, while throwing parties amid the pandemic, after observing that, during a family trip, they passed by a "raging house party".

"California is in bad shape (in so many ways) but doesn’t everyone think we all want to go out freely and travel and enjoy summer. It really seems like Americans just don’t care about each other...somehow this pandemic has turned into a political stance between parties...that’s a head scratcher for me", she wrote in the post's caption.

She also finalized her post by humorously announcing that she is "running for president", in a move that joins a rapidly growing social media trend inspired by Kanye West's recent declaration of his presidential bid.

"Other countries have come together in a beautiful way to contain or be Covid free. It’s embarrassing that we are worse than ever because people need to party and Karens won’t wear masks! Oh and I’m running for President", she wrote.

Публикация от Hilary Duff (@hilaryduff)

Other Twitter users, including celebrities and bloggers, quipped that they, too, were running for president, and offered their own unique "campaign promises".

There are over 2.8 million registered COVID-19 cases and almost 130,000 related deaths in the United States, according to the most recent data. During a speech celebrating US Independence Day, President Donald Trump nonetheless described the country's strategy on tackling the disease as "moving along well", even praising the testing system and claiming that the mortality rate was dropping.
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