While US President Donald Trump criticized the prospects of using mail-in ballots in the 2020 election, arguing that it might open the electoral process up to interference and fraud, footage from over a decade ago recently started circulating online, apparently showing Trump using an absentee ballot to vote.
According to CNN, the video in question is an "Access Hollywood" segment “filmed as Trump was attempting to vote in the 2004 election”.
The video shows Trump, after having been blocked from voting at multiple NYC locations he and host Billie Bush visit due to the former not being on any of the voter rolls, declaring his intent to “fill out the absentee ballot” and then “filling out what Bush describes as a provisional ballot in his car”, as the media outlet puts it.
REMINDER: Not only does Trump vote by mail but he has also encouraged people to vote by mail over the years. Just a few months ago he encouraged his supporters in Pennsylvania to vote by mail for him. This video needs to go viral! #TrumpMailsItIn pic.twitter.com/jZBTE71iDz
— Mrs. Krassenstein (@HKrassenstein) July 31, 2020
Why does Trump think
— Republicans for Joe Biden (@RepsForBiden) July 31, 2020
he is the only one who’s allowed to vote by mail? 🤔
By @MeidasTouch pic.twitter.com/iwHY3reFXL
As the video spread on Twitter, with some of the posters arguing that Trump did “vote by mail”, a number of social media users argued that there's actually a difference between mail-in voting and absentee voting.
Its called ABSENTE VOTTING and its TOTALY differant!
— Trump Suporter Life (@MindOfTheMAGAt) July 31, 2020
There is a difference between mail in voting and absentee voting. Tell the truth
— CommonSense (@CommonS79656142) July 31, 2020
Are you that SLOW MENTALLY that you can NOT differentiate, “Absentee “ vote, which occurs when a U.S citizen LIVES outside HIS state, OR OUTSIDE the U.S, and mail in vote, which is a LAZY option, and leaves way more room for cheating!!!! You’re as DUMB AS YOUR NAME
— Miss Saigon (@THEMissSaigon) July 31, 2020
He did not vote by mail , he filed an absentee ballot...I can vote by mail and I’m not even American... that what happens living six months of the year in the US.
— sue roy (@sue_roy) July 31, 2020
However, there also seemed to be no shortage of netizens eager to criticize Trump on this occasion as well.
I don't care if Trump likes it or not - NOBODY is going to tell me how to vote especially this orange tool. He can bluster all he wants - he HAS NO POWER to influence established voting practices. Vote how you always have and vote EARLY!
— Dre@myNubi@n (@PBoogie11) July 31, 2020
@realDonaldTrump you trusted the system back then to accept your vote, to count your vote, not lose your vote. But today you don’t? Why’s that? Oh wait, it’s because you know you’re losing and you’re just starting to create chaos already. You’re not as bright as you think you are
— Leah Vallee (@leahvallee) July 31, 2020
He thinks he’s the only one, because he and only he knows the system and he and only he can therefore vote by mail, but only he and only he can do it.
— Julio Rodriguez (@JulioRo27756069) July 31, 2020