“We have 72 houses … damaged and five more fully destroyed, as well as received reports about at least 14 people with slight injuries”, Moreno said on late Thursday.
The tornado hit four quarters of the Nicaraguan capital of Managua in the early hours and caused some damage there. The list of the damaged buildings includes a hospital.
#Nicaragua Tornado afecta viviendas en barrios de Managua, el Srio. general de la alcaldía
— La Negra Sandinista (@LaNegritaSandia) September 17, 2020
acompañado de un equipo tecnico visitaron casa a casa los lugares afectados @AlonsoChocoyo @PattSanurbina @vitojromero #2021PatriaBenditaYLibre#2021DignosYLibres #2021OrgulloPatrio pic.twitter.com/bcPAMVUScB
#Nicaragua Tras un tornado que afectó varios barrios de #Managua, la madrugada de este jueves, la iglesia Sagrado Corazón de Jesús en Monseñor Lezcano, se vio fuertemente afectada. pic.twitter.com/K2FmNAY2Vj
— Radio 580 Nicaragua (@radio580nic) September 17, 2020
The natural phenomenon, which began almost at midnight, impacted four neighborhoods in the capital's District II, causing the detachment of roofs, damage to the electrical system, and leaving fallen trees behind.
Moreno assured that the Nicaraguan Government will provide support to the affected families of the Batahola Norte, España, Miraflores, and Monseñor Lezcano neighborhoods, west of the Nicaraguan capital.