Human rights lawyer Annamie Paul has been elected the new leader of Canada's Green Party, replacing Elizabeth May in the post.
When we started this campaign, we set out to make the @CanadianGreens the most diverse, democratic and daring force in Canadian politics. We also set out to make history.
— Annamie Paul (@AnnamiePaul) October 4, 2020
Because of you, we succeeded on all counts.
From the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU! #cdnpoli
Paul won on the eighth ballot with 12,090 votes on Saturday, prevailing against her rival Dimitri Lascaris, a self-described "eco-socialist", who claimed 10,081 votes, CBC News reported.
The last leadership election took place more than a decade ago - in 2006, and since then, May had held that post.
Paul has become the first black person to permanently run a federal party in Canada.