"The third vaccine, research is currently underway on it, and we expect results on it by mid-December," Murashko told the Rossiya 1 broadcaster.
He clarified that lists of those categories of people that should be vaccinated were being formed now.
On Wednesday, Russian President Vladimir Putin stated that the country's second vaccine against COVID-19, dubbed "EpiVacCorona", was officially registered by the "Vector" centre.

15 October 2020, 17:36 GMT
He added that a third Russian coronavirus vaccine, developed by the Chumakov Centre, would also be registered in the near future.
In August, Russia became the first country in the world to register a vaccine against COVID-19, dubbed Sputnik V and developed by the Gamaleya research institute. Gamaleya's drug requires two injections, using different adenoviral vectors, in order to form immunity from the coronavirus that can last up to two years.