"Preliminary information: at the moment 18 police officers have been injured during the day in different parts of the Metropolitan Region," the Carabineros de Chile said on Twitter.
Información preliminar: al momento 18 carabineros han resultado lesionados durante la jornada en distintos puntos de la Región Metropolitana. pic.twitter.com/zHlsgX0Ty7
— Carabineros de Chile (@Carabdechile) October 18, 2020
In another tweet, police said that at least ten people have been detained in the metropolitan region.
"Preliminary information: so far a total of 10 detainees have been registered for disorders produced in different points of #PuenteAlto [capital of the Cordillera Province in the Santiago Metropolitan Region]," the Carabineros de Chile said.
Información preliminar: hasta el momento se han registrado un total de 10 detenidos por desórdenes producidos en distintos puntos de #PuenteAlto. #OrdenyPatria pic.twitter.com/cIlZIUsWT4
— Carabineros Prefectura Cordillera (@CarabPrefCord) October 18, 2020
Clashes between protesters and police were reported in various neighbourhoods of Santiago on Sunday, Radio BiobioChile said. A fire was set in the San Francisco Church in the Chilean capital.
Videos from the scene were published on Twitter.
#Providencia: ante los hechos de violencia, personal de la Prefectura de Control de Orden Público, procede a dispersar a las últimas personas que se encontraban en el sector para normalizar el tránsito del lugar. #OrdenyPatria pic.twitter.com/Nsxx5vHYG9
— Carabineros Prefectura Oriente (@CarabPrOriente) October 19, 2020
#SanRamón: sujetos instalan barricadas incendiarias en la intersección de Vespucio/Santa Rosa.
— Carabineros Prefectura Sur (@CarabPrefecSur) October 18, 2020
Se sugiere a los conductores y peatones precaución en los desplazamientos prefiriendo vías alternativas. pic.twitter.com/oMheOBqQsv
#Santiago: ahora tras el saqueo en local comercial, personal de la Prefectura Control de Orden Público procede a la detención de los sujetos. Procedimiento en desarrollo. pic.twitter.com/dWi4CzWQYQ
— Carabineros Prefectura Central (@CarabPrCentral) October 18, 2020
In October 2019, the Chilean government increased subway fares, triggering a wave of protests that turned into violent riots and clashes with police. People took to the streets nationwide to demand decent free education and healthcare and to protest against low pay amid rising fares.
On October 25, Chileans will vote in a referendum on rewriting the country's constitution, something that was one of the central demands of protesters last year.