On 20 October, former experts of the US intelligence community took part in a virtual conference organised by the LaRouchePAC ahead of the 3 November election. A former senior NSA analyst, J. Kirk Wiebe, and an ex-NSA technical director, William Binney, discussed the allegations surrounding the coordinated efforts of big tech and big media to mute and censor The New York Post, one of the nation's oldest newspapers, as well as the members of US President Donald Trump's election campaign team and Republican congressmen.
In has been characterized as an unprecedented escalation of pressure on the American president and his supporters after last week's bombshell expose alleging a "pay-to-play" scheme said to have been arranged by the ex-vice president and Democratic nominee, Joe Biden, and his son, Hunter, who is accused of playing the role of a "bagman".
Sputnik: During the latest LaRouche PAC virtual conference, you stressed that the US found itself in the midst of a "civil war". Can we expect that this standoff will continue and escalate after the election, no matter who wins?
J. Kirk Wiebe: Yes, the standoff will continue and will escalate as the winning side advances its agenda. As that agenda is implemented, the opposing side will become more agitated and angry. This is because there is little or nothing that unites the two opposing sides (Democrats and Republicans) at a fundamental level.
What used to unite them – support for the US Constitution and free market capitalism – has waned as the US public school system has de-emphasized history, civics, and support for the free marketplace, as well as progressive ideas intended to ignore the US Constitution.
In their place, the school system has pushed the notion of the “community” [another word for commune], government regulation, and the notion that “old white guys from Europe” wrote the US Constitution and that means it has biased, racist beginnings, hence is no longer desired or relevant. It took some 60 years for this transition in education to take place, and the reality is that such a culture cannot be quickly reversed or changed. Things will get worse between the two sides before they begin to get better, if they get better at all. The truth is a more violent clash between the two political parties is virtually inevitable until one is utterly vanquished.

Sputnik: What's your take on Donald Trump's 2016 election promise to "drain the Washington swamp" and to crack down on what many suggest is deep-rooted political corruption? Has he delivered on his promise, at least partially, in your opinion? Why didn't he expose the what many claim to be the corruption of the Bidens and the Clintons earlier? Is the "drain-the-swamp" task in fact a "mission impossible"?
J. Kirk Wiebe: The Trump administration erred gravely when it failed to quickly remove the Obama administration appointees. So the answer is “yes”, the Trump administration has made progress in draining the swamp, but only marginally. The “swamp” is still mostly full of swamp water and it will take every bit of four more years to drain it to the necessary level to make the deep state largely ineffective.
He did not expose the Clintons and the Bidens earlier precisely because the Trump administration did not realise how deeply entrenched the deep state was in the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the FBI. It is why we still see no one prosecuted (with the exception of a lesser FBI lawyer/official) of any note.
The Russiagate investigation and now the Biden investigation have seen virtually no one held accountable. That fact serves as testimony to the continuing presence of the Deep State in key agencies.

Sputnik: What steps could the president take right now to kick off a large scale investigation into allegations of corruption by the Bidens, the Obamas and the Clintons amid what some consider to be attempts by the FBI to stonewall any such efforts?
J. Kirk Wiebe: Given the 2020 election is just 11 days away, the single most effective move the Trump administration could make is to get a FISA warrant in order to obtain all the intelligence community (especially NSA) holdings of Clinton and Biden communications, declassify them immediately, and turn them over to the American people via various news outlets so that they can see the corruption for themselves. This must be done immediately.
Sputnik: What's at stake in the November election? What major domestic changes can you name in case Biden wins? How could it affect the US economy, society, culture, media and the other aspects of life in the US?
J. Kirk Wiebe: If Biden wins, we will see an attack directly on the rights and provisions of the US Constitution, giving ever more decision-making power to the federal government. We will see a reinstatement of all the regulations Obama put in place, but Trump has rescinded. We will also see an immediate raising of taxes on corporations and the American people, including the fragile middle class. The economy will plunge and the quality of life In the United States will rapidly deteriorate.
The financial forces at the center of the post-1989 moves toward globalisation, which had temporarily set back due to United States and world political developments since 2016, and are anti-progress, and even Malthusian in outlook, will also seek, through “financial regime change,” to create a centralised alliance operating to the detriment of the national interests and purposes of the United States, Russia, and China alike.