A wave of protests swept through several Italian cities on Monday night, with citizens demanding an end to the coronavirus-related lockdown.
In Milan and Turin, Italy's largest cities, the protests turned violent, as demonstrators clashed with police forces, footage shared on social media shows. Citizens were heard chanting "Freedom" in Italian.
Immagini impressionanti da Napoli in piazza Plebiscito: in migliaia contro lockdown, coprifuoco e governo Conte: "Libertà!" Restiamo uniti, scriveremo la storia. #RadioSavana pic.twitter.com/1CMTVRDi1S
— RadioSavana (@RadioSavana) October 26, 2020
The protesters also launched fireworks and used what appears to be Molotov cocktails against police officers, witnesses reported. Small fires were set up in some places.
In my home city of Milan, where I have barely seen a violent protest take place in my life, protesters against new pandemic restrictions measures are throwing what appear to be molotov cocktails at police and chanting “Libertà” pic.twitter.com/QfpXbZUfxf
— Alessandra (@alessabocchi) October 26, 2020
Lockdown a Milano: scontri con la Polizia e devastazioni di negozi e tram. Tentato assalto al palazzo della Regione Lombardia. #RadioSavana pic.twitter.com/gHEivbvMp0
— RadioSavana (@RadioSavana) October 26, 2020
Looting also took place during Monday's protests, according to another video of a Gucci store being robbed after the window was apparently smashed by protesters.
A Torino: il #Dpcm non piace, quindi si va alla protesta e con l’occasione si svaligia un negozio di Gucci 😷 voi che vi approfittate di una situazione simile, fate schifo. pic.twitter.com/e9q2mdDfar
— Trash Italiano (@trash_italiano) October 26, 2020
Last week, the Italian Council of Ministers adopted a new set of measures to contain the COVID-19 second wave, closing theatres and cinemas, and banning bars and restaurants from working after 6.00 pm (17:00 GMT), following a rapid rise in coronavirus infections.