Forget Thirsty Crow, Hungry Parrot Shows How to Have Cuppa

© Photo : animalloverslb/instagramCookies and tea anyone ?
Cookies and tea anyone ? - Sputnik International
Beautiful though these red-beak birds are, the parrots have an uncanny knack for mimicking human sounds and behaviour.

Talk about another feather to its cap - this smart avian has some kick-ass problem-solving skills, parroting humans so as to enjoy the perfect tea-time treat.

The beautiful yellow-green hued parrot looked a bit bird-brained to start as it dunked the whole biscuit into the tea only to discover it had behaved like a mug and couldn't get its biccie back. 

But, credit where it's due, it learnt from its mistakes and fetched another biscuit. This time it lowered it just the right amount to enjoy a perfectly dunked delight.

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