"Since we know that all [Russian] trials are being conducted in a correct manner, per the standards, we have requested all information on the vaccine to present it to the Israeli Health Ministry to register the vaccine in Israel. The Russian Sputnik V vaccine is the first vaccine to be presented for registration in Israel", Rotstein said.
© AP Photo / Maya AlleruzzoMedical professionals in full protective equipment tend to an elderly man on a ventilator in the critical care coronavirus unit, which was built in an underground parking garage at Sheba Medical center in Ramat Gan, Israel, Wednesday, Sept. 30, 2020, amid a spike in COVID-19 cases.

Medical professionals in full protective equipment tend to an elderly man on a ventilator in the critical care coronavirus unit, which was built in an underground parking garage at Sheba Medical center in Ramat Gan, Israel, Wednesday, Sept. 30, 2020, amid a spike in COVID-19 cases.
© AP Photo / Maya Alleruzzo
Earlier in the week, Hadassah was reported to be ordering 1.5 million doses of the Russian vaccine.
Sputnik V, developed by the Gamaleya Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology, was registered by the Russian Health Ministry on 11 August, becoming the first registered vaccine against COVID-19 in the world. It is now completing phase 3 clinical trials as per the World Health Organisation's rules.