Taking the Bait: Clever Heron Shows Off Fishing Skills to Catch Prey

© Photo : discoverwildpaws/ InstagramClever Heron Use Bait to Catch Its Prey
Clever Heron Use Bait to Catch Its Prey - Sputnik International
Heron are birds that can be easily confused with storks, due to the similarities in their appearance. They are carnivores and mainly eat fish, but their diet also includes frogs, small mammals, birds, reptiles, and insects.

A video of a clever heron using bait to catch its prey is going viral on social media.

The video, posted on Instagram, shows a black heron sitting beside a pond and throwing bait into it. The heron then quickly picks it up as it sees two big fish approaching it. Later, it again throws the bait into the pond and catches a small fish.


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