"Well, look, Joe Biden will be the next President of the United States; Kamala Harris will be the next vice president [...] It's a temporary job. We're not above the rules. We're not above the law. That's the essence of our democracy," Obama said as aired by CBS broadcaster.
Obama also believes that Biden does not need his advice.
"He doesn't need my advice. And I will help him in any ways that I can. But now, you know, I'm not planning to suddenly work on the White House staff or something [...] There are probably some things I would not be doing, 'cause Michelle would leave me," he added.

'Does Anyone Believe It?' Eric Trump Questions Biden's Feat of Getting More Votes Than Obama in 2012
7 November 2020, 15:09 GMT
Although the official results of the presidential election are yet to be declared, as the vote counting continues, projections of major US media showed last week that Biden had collected the necessary amount of electoral votes to claim victory. Trump, on his part, demanded suspension of the counting of votes and probes into alleged violations.