Pavel Durov, the founder and CEO of Telegram, on Saturday held a meeting with Dubai Crown Prince Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum the press service of the Dubai government said.
"Dubai’s ability to provide a productive growth-oriented environment for technology start-ups is validated by the fact that some the world’s most exciting and successful digital companies like Telegram have chosen to run their ventures out of the emirate. We continue to welcome great talent and ideas to Dubai which offers a nurturing ecosystem for their development", Rashid Al Maktoum said at a meeting as quoted by the press service.
Durov, on his part, expressed appreciation to the government of Dubai for providing "the startup ecosystem, advanced infrastructure and business-friendly legislation" that attract "talent and entrepreneurs aspiring to go global from all over the world."
© AP Photo / Tatan Syuflana, FileTelegram co-founder Pavel Durov
Telegram co-founder Pavel Durov
© AP Photo / Tatan Syuflana, File
The app, created in 2013, allows users to exchange messages and media files of different formats. In 2020, Telegram became one of the 10 most downloaded and popular apps in the world.