Thousands of people gathered for an anti-government demonstration outside Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's official residence in Jerusalem, demanding him to resign from office, Haaretz reported Saturday.
Several groups of protesters reportedly marched through the city streets before meeting at a destination on Balfour Street.
Social media users have shared videos from the rally, in which protesters are seen chanting political slogans, while drumming and dancing to the beat.
מאות פלסטינים ויהודים צעדו עכשיו מסילוואן לבלפור בקריאות נגד הכיבוש. כמות היהודים שהיו בסליוואן וכמות הפלסטינים שהגיעו לבלפור היא וואו. ימות המשיח!#מבלפור_לסילוואן_דמוקרטיה_לכולם #لا_لاحتلال
— Merphie (@Merphie_B) February 6, 2021
בלפור (סילוואן). שבוע 33. כצה מאות מפגינים ישראלים ופלסטינים מוחים נגד ההתנחלויות בסילוואן ומשם יצאו עוד מעט לכיוון ההפגנה השבועית בבלפור.
— نير حسون Nir Hasson ניר חסון (@nirhasson) February 6, 2021
— לירי בורק (@lirishavit) February 6, 2021
Clashes broke out between law enforcement officers and demonstrators after one of the exits from Paris Square, the site where the demonstration took place, was blocked by police. One protestor reportedly suffered a head injury and was evacuated from the scene.
Other videos showed protesters carrying prop submarines with them, commonly seen in reference to the so-called Submarine corruption scandal, in which Netanyahu allegedly hid relevant information from military officials when the country had decided to purchase new submarines.
הצוללת איתנו ✌️🔥
— לירי בורק (@lirishavit) February 6, 2021
Along with submarines, some demonstrators carried large green balloons shaped like the COVID virus.
הקורונה והמשבר בניהול שלה - המחדל
— לירי בורק (@lirishavit) February 6, 2021

Earlier in the day, demonstrations took place at bridges and intersections throughout the country.
For more than seven months, anti-government protests have been ongoing, with the object of demanding Netanyahu's resignation due to the trial on charges of bribery, fraud and breach of confidence and the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic by the government. Netanyahu denies any misconduct.