Now We're Talking: Golden Retriever Hilariously Reacts to 'Magic Word'

© Photo : Instagram/daisythegoldieeGolden retriever
Golden retriever - Sputnik International, 1920, 09.03.2021
Even a dog as cheerful and amiable as a golden retriever can have a moment of gloom, but gladly this good girl knows the perfect solution for fighting off the blues.

A female golden retriever named Daisy had one of those days when nothing seems to bring joy. Well, except for one thing.

The doggie has been filmed sulking on a sofa, and even her owner's calls for a walk or a bath could not drive away her melancholy...that is until the owner asked if maybe Daisy wanted some chicken.

The doggo's reaction to this "magic word" was golden. Just watch it yourself!

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Публикация от Daisy the Golden Retriever (@daisythegoldiee)

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