Protesters Clash in LA After Allegations of 'Trans' Exposing Male Genitals to Women, Minors in Spa

"The Wi Spa allowed the man access just because he calls himself a woman. This man was naked expoding [sic] his testicles and penis slinging left to right in front of young girls, teens, and grown women", the user, @cubanaangel, wrote in an Instagram post last week.
Antifa assault street preachers who tried to attend the Wi Spa protest in Los Angeles. Several people have been assaulted today but police don’t appear to be responding at all.
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) July 3, 2021
Antifa surrounded, assaulted & chased a woman (in purple shirt) at the Los Angeles Wi Spa protest.
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) July 3, 2021
Los Angeles: Multiple assaults happened throughout the day.
— Tomas Morales (@TomasMorales_iv) July 3, 2021
One man is beaten on the ground, another man gets docked to the face.
Reporter @realJamesKlug was also assaulted.
Breaking: A mob of antifa (look at their flag if it’s not obvious enough) punch a man, then chase & assault a videographer at the Wi Spa protest in Los Angeles. cc @pressfreedom, @uspresstracker, @spj_tweets
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) July 3, 2021
LA Antifa taunt older woman. They knocked her hat off and mess with her hair until they chase her to back to her car while using an acoustic device to yell at her.
— Tomas Morales (@TomasMorales_iv) July 4, 2021
At the Wi Spa protest in Los Angeles, a lone young man gets his sign ripped up by an antifa. A mob of antifa then assaults him to the ground & kicks him after he got out pepper spray.
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) July 3, 2021
BREAKING: Just had a gun pulled on us by transphobes at Wi Spa. He reached into a backpack and grabbed it. When I asked him what he grabbed, he said “something to shoot you with” to me.
— Vishal P. Singh (@VPS_Reports) July 3, 2021
Transphobes hanging out with LAPD. One of them gets aggressive and walks up to me— LAPD doesn’t seem to mind the transphobes being violent.
— Vishal P. Singh (@VPS_Reports) July 3, 2021
LAPD creates a skirmish line between Antifa & Patriots.
— Tomas Morales (@TomasMorales_iv) July 3, 2021
Antifa gets rowdy & words are exchanged between the two groups.
LAPD creates a skirmish line between Antifa & Patriots.
LAPD creates a skirmish line between Antifa & Patriots.
LA Antifa wheel a dumpster into the street and set it on fire.
— Tomas Morales (@TomasMorales_iv) July 3, 2021
"Three of them were victims of assault and battery, and the other two were assault with deadly weapon," he said.
In a statement to Los Angeles Magazine, Wi Spa defended itself, saying: "Like many other metropolitan areas, Los Angeles contains a transgender population, some of whom enjoy visiting a spa. Wi Spa strives to meet the needs of all its customers."