Russian Ambassador Says His 'Dream' to Restore Direct Flights Between Alaska, Chukotka
16:57 GMT 27.07.2021 (Updated: 13:21 GMT 06.08.2022)
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WASHINGTON (Sputnik) - Russian Ambassador to the United States Anatoly Antonov said during a meeting of the Council for US-Russia Relation (RAPP) on Tuesday that his "dream" is to revive the direct flights between Alaska and Chukotka.
“The potential for connections across the Pacific is enormous. They are free from the contradictions historically inherent in the 'Atlantic dimension.' Moreover, Russia is the third closest neighbour of the United States after Canada and Mexico. It is also my dream to restore direct flights between Chukotka and Alaska.”
Russia calls for reviving the work of the Bering Strait Regional Commission to include representatives of the indigenous population, Antonov added.
"The participants of the Pacific Partnership include the Arctic regions of the two countries, Antonov said."First of all, these are Chukotka and Alaska. For them, the problem of preserving the unique identity of the northern peoples, preserving the fragile ecosystem of the Arctic Circle, energy stability and ensuring navigation in ice - is urgent. We support restoring the work of the Bering Strait Regional Commission with the involvement of representatives of the indigenous population. It is worth resuming joint academic research between universities in Alaska and the Russian Far East."
Russia and the United States could collaborate on combating natural and man-made disasters, Russian Ambassador in Washington Anatoly Antonov said.
"[T]he problems of environmental protection, the fight against natural and man-made disasters, such as forest fires, are at the forefront," Antonov said. "So, every year the United States' west and Russia's Siberia face this scourge. Currently, the states of Washington, Oregon and California are on fire. We have a difficult situation in Yakutia. Why don't the local authorities establish a dialogue on this topic? I am sure this will seriously add to the RAPP agenda."
Very significant problems have accumulated in the relations between the United States and Russia and failing to solve them would make it impossible to prevent moving to an even greater crisis, Russian Ambassador in Washington Anatoly Antonov said on Tuesday.
"Colossal heaps of problems have accumulated, without solving of which it would be impossible to stop the movement into the abyss of an even greater crisis," the ambassador added.