Slow March: Spanish Slugs Invade Moscow – Video
14:37 GMT 29.08.2021 (Updated: 19:40 GMT 19.10.2022)
CC BY-SA 3.0 / Xauxa Håkan Svensson / Arion vulgaris, Spanish slug.Arion vulgaris, Spanish slug. Photo was taken in Stockholm, Sweden.

The situation in Russia's capital is further complicated by the fact that the creatures apparently have no natural predators in the region.
Moscow residents are complaining about invasive pests called Spanish slugs, local media reports.
The large slugs have already reportedly been spotted in several of the Russian capitol’s districts, and are devastating lawns and shrubbery.
The situation is further exacerbated by the fact that unwelcome slimy critters have no natural predators in the region, as birds and hedgehogs native to Moscow and its surroundings don't feed on them.
Оранжевый уровень опасности: испанские слизни атакуют столицу.
— ВЕСТИ (@vesti_news) August 28, 2021
Москвичи жалуются на испанских рыжих слизней, которые уничтожают газоны и объедают кустарники. Незваные гости из Европы успели наследить во многих районах столицы и Подмосковья.
The Spanish slugs were likely brought to Russia with imported plants, RIA Novosti notes citing a zoologist.