Videos Showing 'Austrians Protesting Against Lockdown for Unvaccinated in Innsbruck' Emerge Online
© PhotoAustrians protest lockdown for unvaccinated

© Photo
Earlier in the day, Austrian Chancellor Alexander Schallenberg announced a national lockdown, starting next week, for anyone who has not been vaccinated against COVID-19.
Videos showing people protesting in the Austrian city of Innsbruck on Sunday emerged as the state government imposed a lockdown for those who have not received their COVID-19 jabs.
According to the Tiroler Tageszeitung paper, some 2,500 people took to the city streets on Sunday.
Starting 15 November, unvaccinated people will be allowed to leave their homes for essential needs: travelling to and from work, doing groceries, or making a medical trip.
Videos from the city where protests took place were shared online.
Heute zeigt #Innsbruck, was Tirol vom Covid-Regime hält!
— Freie Linke Österreich (@linke_freie) November 14, 2021
Weg mit dem Covid-Gesetz! Freiheit!
Los austríacos salen a la calle para protestar por el confinamiento para los no vacunados, que entra en vigor esta noche.#austriaprotest
— En el barrio de Cortes viven residentes (@VecBarrioCortes) November 14, 2021
Austrians take to the streets again today as a lockdown solely for those who opt not to be injected with the 💉 comes into place at midnight
RT @aginnt: Protests continue into today in Austria to stop the new lockdown.
— Joe (@goodday2smile) November 14, 2021