Photos: Homeowner's Solution to Reptilian Infestation Ends With Snake & House Burned Down
© AP Photo / Sergei GritsA house on fire

© AP Photo / Sergei Grits
A homeowner in Maryland took extreme measures to deal with a snake infestation - they tried to smoke out their serpentine squatters and ended up seeing their home go up in flames.
According to fire officials in Montgomery County, Maryland, the home caught on fire on November 23 in Poolesville, Maryland, after the owner burned coal in the basement to evict snakes that had taken up residence.
ICYMI (Tuesday 11/23 10p) 21000blk Big Woods Rd, Dickerson/Poolesville, @mcfrs no injuries, Cause-undetermined/under investigation, >$1M loss, ~75FFs responded, it was dark & cold (~ 25°) NOTE: non-hydrant area, driveway 3/4 mi long off Big Woods Rd
— Pete Piringer (@mcfrsPIO) November 26, 2021
Fire officials believe the heat source was too close to combustibles, which caused the fire to go out of control, eventually collapsing the roof. Some 75 firefighters reported to the “dark and cold” scene. The event has been ruled an accident.
No injuries or deaths were reported, although it was estimated that the fire caused over $1 million in damages to the multistory single-family home.
ICYMI - Update Big Woods Rd, house fire 11/23; CAUSE, accidental, homeowner using smoke to manage snake infestation, it is believed heat source (coals) too close to combustibles; AREA of ORIGIN, basement, walls/floor; DAMAGE, >$1M; no human injures; status of snakes undetermined
— Pete Piringer (@mcfrsPIO) December 3, 2021
Fires caused by homeowners using smoke to manage pest infestations have been reported in the past. As recently as 2017, a man in Georgia burnt his home to the ground attempting to deal with a hornet nest.