Strong Earthquake Reportedly Hits Japan's Iwate Prefecture

© AFP 2023 / FREDERICK FLORINEarthquake seismograph diagram
Earthquake seismograph diagram - Sputnik International, 1920, 18.03.2022
MOSCOW (Sputnik) - A 5.5 magnitude earthquake hit Japan's northeastern prefecture of Iwate on Friday, media reported.
Kyodo cited the country's Meteorological Agency as saying that the earthquake occurred at around 14:25 GMT with a magnitude of 5.5 on the Japanese seismic intensity scale of 7. The agency added that the earthquake occurred in waters off Iwate's northern coast at a depth of about 12.5 miles.
The agency said that there was no threat of a tsunami despite the significant magnitude.
There are no immediate reports of casualties or any damage caused by the earthquake.
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