DHS Disinfo Board ‘Attack on 1st Amendment,’ Says Journalist Targeted By ‘Would-Be Censorship Czar’
01:13 GMT 30.04.2022 (Updated: 19:37 GMT 19.10.2022)
© AP Photo / Lynne SladkyA U.S. Department of Homeland Security plaque is displayed a podium as international passengers arrive at Miami international Airport where they are screened by U.S. Customs and Border Protection, Nov. 20, 2020, in Miami

© AP Photo / Lynne Sladky
Citing a “clear” threat to first amendment freedoms, Grayzone Editor Max Blumenthal told Sputnik that Biden’s so-called Disinformation Governance Board “must be neutralized.”
The Grayzone editor Max Blumenthal hit back at the “de facto Minister of Truth” on Friday after a 2020 tweet surfaced in which Nina Jankowicz, the proposed head of the Biden administration’s new government speech oversight panel, disparaged his independent outlet and accused it of spreading “incredibly damaging disinformation.”
Blumenthal told Sputnik Friday that the previous attack suggests that far from being an impartial arbiter of truth, Jankowicz is a US “regime change operative” with a “vendetta” against alternative media.
© Photo : Twitter/ @MaxBlumenthalMax Blumenthal on Twitter

Max Blumenthal on Twitter
© Photo : Twitter/ @MaxBlumenthal
The full scope of the proposed speech oversight commission is still unknown, but a brief paragraph published Wednesday in Politico claimed the “Disinformation Governance Board” will “coordinate countering misinformation related to homeland security, focused specifically on irregular migration and Russia.” Politico notes that Jankowicz previously “oversaw Russia and Belarus programs” for the National Democratic Institute–a known CIA cutout–and worked as an adviser to the Ukrainian regime’s foriegn ministry.
While the likely new speech czar claimed on Twitter that the board was established out of a “committment [sic] to protecting free speech, privacy, civil rights, & civil liberties,” Blumenthal suspects other motives are at play.
“This initiative is clearly aimed at suppressing alternative media that interfere with the imperatives of her regime change industry,” Blumenthal says, explaining that “Jankowicz has accused The Grayzone of interfering with color revolution efforts around the world, and therefore branded us as a source of disinformation.”
It speaks to the “desperation coursing through the liberal wing of the US establishment and national security state,” he says, that “the unhinged Jankowicz has been elevated to the de facto Minister of Truth” for the Department of Homeland Security–an agency which Blumenthal notes was “born out of the post-9/11 War on Terror panic.”
If Biden’s new board is any indication, that panic isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. The revelation that The Grayzone has long been in the crosshairs of a woman Blumenthal describes as Biden’s “would-be censorship czar” came just one day after The Grayzone was highlighted on Fox News’ Tucker Carlson Tonight following Blumenthal’s viral reaction to an apparent fishing expedition by a staffer for Department of Defense-funded Newsguard Technologies.
Thanks to @TuckerCarlson for highlighting my response to the Pentagon and Big Pharma-backed censorship racket @NewsGuardRating, which is threatening to blacklist @TheGrayzoneNews.
— Max Blumenthal (@MaxBlumenthal) April 29, 2022
I once believed liberals opposed state suppression of alternative media. Today, it's their agenda. pic.twitter.com/plzoy0qm7A