"What began as a tremor in Chesham and Amersham, became an earthquake in North Shropshire, and is now an almighty shockwave that will bring this Conservative government tumbling down. It is the movement of millions of people who are saying loud and clear: 'We have had enough'... The tectonic plates of British politics are shifting beneath Boris Johnson’s feet. And now it’s time for Conservative MPs to plunge him into the abyss", he said.
"Waking up to catastrophic results for the party in London. Wandsworth & Westminster were flagship councils. We held them during the Blair honeymoon. We held them during austerity. We held them under Theresa May. Losing them should be a wake up call for the Conservative Party", Gavin Barwell tweeted.
"This is a warning shot from Conservative supporters - a fair number just stayed at home," he said, adding that the shift was a result of "the cost of living crisis, 12 years of a Conservative government and redrawn boundaries".