REC Will Help Female Exporters Operate in the Middle East and Asia
15:25 GMT 17.06.2022 (Updated: 12:27 GMT 23.06.2022)
© Sputnik / Pavel Bednyakov / Go to the mediabankRussian Export Centre during Innoprom-2021 conference in Yekaterinburg, Russia

© Sputnik / Pavel Bednyakov
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The REC Export School has developed a new training manual for women exporters titled ‘Business Communication in Export Activities: Gender Specifics’. The manual looks to assist in business communication with partners from Asia and the Middle East, Veronika Nikishina, head of Russian Export Center (REC, part of VEB.RF), said at the 25th SPIEF.
"This manual will be useful for women who are planning to enter new markets and will provide early insight into cross-cultural, cross-gender business communication. Simply put, it will dispel myths about attitudes toward women and equip them with knowledge of how to properly negotiate with representatives from East, South and Southeast Asia, the Middle East and Africa, and Central Asia in situations where Russian women entrepreneurs are one of the parties in negotiations", the REC chief said.
The manual addresses cultural and linguistic barriers to business communication, the norms of business communication with representatives of different countries coming to the forefront of Russian foreign trade deals.
This handbook will be of particular use to small and medium-sized companies, Nikishina noted at the session on 'Women's International Cooperation: Potential and Prospects'.
The 25th SPIEF took place in St. Petersburg from 15 to 18 June. Sputnik was an official media partner of the forum.