Japanese Private Institute Presents 'Highly Probable' Evidence of UFO Existence

CC0 / / UFO
UFO - Sputnik International, 1920, 26.06.2022
TOKYO (Sputnik) - A private institute in Japan's Fukushima specializing in research of unidentified flying objects (UFO) published on Sunday the results of a study of more than 450 "records" saying that four of them may serve as "highly probable" evidence that extraterrestrial life exists.
International UFO Lab director Takeharu Mikami, who presented the study's results, showed all four pieces of photo and video footage, with two of them recorded in 2021, one in 2018 and one in 2022.
The two images feature a dark object whose shape resembles the conventional perception of an alien aircraft.
One of the videos shows a light round object flying along a vertical trajectory and producing a short trail, while the other captured a white, probably shining, object remaining in limbo above the mountains at night time.
The four so-called UFO records were considered the most probable after the researchers analyzed them via a computer program that detects frauds.
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