US LNG Exports to Europe Nearly Tripled Since March

© AFP 2023 / ANDREW CABALLERO-REYNOLDSAn LNG processing plant is seen in Cameron, Louisiana on August 26, 2020
An LNG processing plant is seen in Cameron, Louisiana on August 26, 2020 - Sputnik International, 1920, 27.06.2022
MOSCOW (Sputnik) - US LNG (liquefied natural gas) exports to Europe have nearly tripled in the past four months, compared to the same period in 2021, according to a joint statement by European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and US President Joe Biden on European energy security, published on Monday.
"While Russia has cut supplies of natural gas to several EU Member States, the United States and other producers have stepped up. Since March, global LNG exports to Europe have risen by 75 percent compared to 2021, while US LNG exports to Europe have nearly tripled," the statement said.
The United States and the European Union have been working toward reducing dependence on Russian fossil fuels by cooperating on deploying energy efficiency technologies, diversifying energy supplies and creating energy demand response solutions. According to the statement, apart from decreasing Russian natural gas demand, the United States and the European Commission are taking steps to reduce overall fossil fuel demand in line with the Paris Agreement.
The European Commission views the United States as a key partner in the sustainable gas supplies diversification process and are coordinating measures "to secure reliable and diversified energy supplies for the EU, including through the voluntary common purchase of pipeline gas, LNG, and hydrogen."
The United States and the European Commission are aware of the environmental impact of LNG production and will step up their common efforts in reducing methane emissions and aligning them with international standards, the statement added.
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