'Smoldering Powder Keg': US Might Explode Due to Biden's Policies on Immigration, Journalist Says
13:19 GMT 10.08.2022 (Updated: 13:22 GMT 10.08.2022)
© AP Photo / Darron CummingsThis July 18, 2014, file photo shows demonstrators with signs on an overpass in Indianapolis, to protest against people who immigrate illegally. Even as they grapple with an immigration crisis at the border, White House officials are making plans to act before November’s mid-term elections to grant work permits to potentially millions of immigrants in this country illegally, allowing them to stay in the United States without threat of deportation, according to advocates and lawmakers in touch with the administration. (AP Photo/Darron Cummings, File)

© AP Photo / Darron Cummings
At least 2 million attempts to illegally cross the US border have been registered in the 19 months Joe Biden has been president, in what investigative journalist Mark Dankof calls an attempt to change the country's demographics for future political gains.
Ever since Democrat Joe Biden became president, the US has been haunted by levels of illegal immigration that are the highest in decades (along with other "records" such as inflation and disapproval ratings). Although POTUS has repeatedly attempted to downplay the issue and promised to deal with its root cause, the person he put in charge, Vice President Kamala Harris, has seemingly failed to deliver on that promise.
However, it might not be the result of the ineptness of the administration or Harris personally (as Democrats' critics often suggest); the White House and the president may not actually want to end the illegal immigration, former US Senate candidate and investigative journalist Mark Dankof believes.
He points out that some two million illegal immigrants have entered the US since Biden took office, and the entry rate reached 250,000 illegal migrants a month recently. According to Dankof, it looks like an "uncontrolled foreign invasion of America", and he has several reasons to call it such.
Flipping Red Strongholds Blue
With a system that allows illegal migrants to apply for asylum and eventually for citizenship in place, more incoming illegal migrants means more voters in the future. This is the exact thing that the Democrats hope to achieve, in Mark Dankof's opinion, to permanently alter the demographics of the US in favor of people voting blue.
By coincidence, the states that immigrants often enter from the southern border are among the key GOP strongholds that help elect Republican presidents and flip the Congress red – something that the Democrats hope to change, the investigative journalist says.
"Turning Texas into a Democratic Party stronghold with its 38 Electoral votes, and flipping Florida permanently with its 29 Electoral votes, would go a long way in achieving this objective […] Add Illinois with 20 Electoral votes in the firm clutches of Lori Lightfoot’s Cook County machine in Chicago, and the 29 Electoral votes of New York, and one sees the cynical political machinations behind all of this," he points out.
Dankof notes that Biden's "reckless border policies" fit not only his agenda, but also that of his supposed allies. Among them the journalist names African American voters, billionaire George Soros, the "World Economic Forum cabal," and the LGBTQ movement. Mentioning the latter, Dankof recalls a CBS News report claiming that LGBTQ migrants were exempt from the provisions of the "Remain in Mexico" policy, which mandated asylum applicants to say outside the US while their request is reviewed, which was scrapped by Biden on August 9.
Other Biden policies and actions also correspond to the interests of his allies, the former US Senate candidate claims, pointing at the White House tendency to appoint left-leaning District Attorneys around the country, the support of the Great Reset economic policies of the World Economic Forum, and efforts to "encircle Russia", while silencing dissidents at home.
Country on Verge of Domestic Civil War
Amid the surge in the number of unresolved and pressing issues inside the US, Joe Biden's rating has sunk to new lows as the administration struggles to respond to an ever increasing list of new challenges. However, POTUS' low popularity is just one of many problems for the current administration, Dankof claims.
The surge in dollars' supply that triggered "ominous inflationary trends," the national debt breaching level of $32 trillion, racially motivated violent crimes across the country and population's fatigue with endless wars, including the one that the US fuels in Ukraine, has turned America into a "smoldering powder keg" as its population nearly ready to revolt, the investigative journalist says. He believes that the continuing surge in illegals might end up being the spark that blows it up.
"Massive illegal immigration deliberately facilitated by Biden, the Democratic Party, and George Soros among others, could be the final breaking point in what I believe to be a pre-revolutionary situation," Dankof says.
The polls show that between 33% and 50% of Americans fear that a domestic civil war might break out in the near future and that is something that the Biden administration knows about, Dankof says. The investigative journalist also claims that the White House is trying to avoid such a scenario, namely by banning the import of the Russian ammunition that armed civilians could use in a revolt, while at the same time buying out US-made ammo via the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).
This way the administration can create a shortage of ammunition available to the US citizens who are unhappy with what is happening in the country, Dankof believes.
"[The US] elite is aware that the level of anger among the general population of the United States is rising precipitously. Massive illegal immigration and the fallout from the ill-advised economic war of attrition with Russia may be the spark that causes the explosion from coast to coast," the former US Senate candidate says.