Metal Object Falls From Sky Near Maine's State Capitol, Nearly Hits a Man
12:17 GMT 16.08.2022 (Updated: 13:22 GMT 16.08.2022)
CC BY-SA 3.0 / MonsieurNapoléon / The State of Maine Capitol Building in the Fall, 15 October 2015

The US Federal Aviation Administration has already been notified by local authorities about the event and has launched an investigation into it, as the metal object probably came “from a large airliner on an international route”.
A sizeable chunk of metal fell from the sky and struck the ground outside Maine's State Capitol building in Augusta, narrowly missing a member of the Maine Capitol Police who was in the area.
According to CNN, the incident occurred around 12:30pm on Monday, with two other people who were in the area witnessing the object's fall.
"The 6lb to 7lb sleeve-like object landed at a high velocity approximately six to eight feet from Capitol Police Screener Craig Donahue who was walking outside the entrance," Maine's Department of Public Safety said in a press release.
This "large metal object" is what broke off a large airliner on an international route, plummeted to the ground and crash landed just outside the main entrance to the Maine State Capitol building. The object almost landed on a man who was 6-8 feet (1-2 metres) away when it hit.
— Matt Young (@MattYoung) August 16, 2022
The release also mentions that both the Augusta State Airport and the Federal Aviation Administration have been notified of this event, and that the latter has already issued awareness notifications to flights that were over the area when the metal object hit the ground.
"The FAA has launched an investigation while attempting to locate the source of the part which is probably from a large airliner on an international route," the release states.