Russian Scientists Discover How to Make Healthy Flour From Low-Grade Grain
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Researchers from South Ural State University in Chelyabinsk have revealed technology which turns low-grade wheat grain into high-quality raw materials that have many beneficial properties.
Experts affirm that the current global situation requires new approaches to food production. To avoid global shortages and rising prices, technology that makes the most efficient use of raw materials, including those that previously played a secondary role, should be used.
In this context, scientists at Russia’s South Ural State University (SUSU) have developed technology for producing wholemeal flour with increased nutritional value from low-grade wheat grain.
According to the authors of the research, they have found that the wholewheat flour they developed from germinated grain has increased nutritional value and contains important biologically active substances. Their results were published in the Ultrasonics Sonochemistry journal.
"Today 40% to 45% of all wheat produced in Russia is of fourth-class quality. Traditionally the production of bakery products uses such grain only as a low-volume additive to the wheat of higher class. Our approach allows [producers] to turn this raw material into an ingredient with a range of useful properties,” Natalia Naumenko, professor at the Department of Food Technology and Biotechnology of the SUSU School of Medical Biology, explained.
© Photo : South Ural State UniversityNatalia Naumenko, professor at the Department of Food Technology and Biotechnology of the SUSU School of Medical Biology

Natalia Naumenko, professor at the Department of Food Technology and Biotechnology of the SUSU School of Medical Biology
© Photo : South Ural State University
According to the scientists, their proposed method of fourth-class grain germination increases its content of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), flavanoids and polyphenols, and makes it completely resistant to pathogenic microorganisms.
GABA is an important neurotransmitter of the human central nervous system which improves blood circulation in brain tissues and its assimilation of glucose, experts said. Flavonoids and polyphenols improve metabolic processes in the body, having an antioxidant effect while reducing capillary fragility and permeability.
The proposed germination technology involves two stages: the development of pathogenic microflora is prevented by treatment with cold plasma radiation, and ultrasound exposure accelerates grain germination and accumulation of GABA and other biologically active substances.
"Our method of controlled germination not only allows us to use low-grade grain as an independent raw material, but also to recommend whole-meal flour for food enrichment. Using it, we can avoid adding dough improvers," Naumenko said.
Scientists have also created a database on accelerated wheat grain development. Mathematical modeling has allowed the setting of optimal ratios of flour types, which not only save the color, flavor, taste and other properties of baked goods, but also enriche products with vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber, the researchers said.
At present, the research team is preparing the technology for application in real production conditions.