What Restrictions Will Martial Law in New Russian Territories Entail?
14:06 GMT 19.10.2022 (Updated: 10:41 GMT 29.03.2023)
© Sputnik / Konstantin Mihalchevskiy / Go to the mediabankRussian servicemen are seen on the territory of the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant, as Russia's military operation in Ukraine continues, in Energodar, Zaporizhzhia region, Ukraine

© Sputnik / Konstantin Mihalchevskiy
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The introduction of martial law in the People's Republics of Donetsk and Lugansk as well as in the Zaporozhye and Kherson regions, which recently joined Russia following referendums, comes against the background of intensifying shelling of civilian infrastructure in these areas by Kiev's forces.
Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on the introduction of a state of martial law in four constituent entities of the Russian Federation: Kherson, Zaporozhye, the Donetsk People's Republic, and the Lugansk People's Republic on Wednesday.
"I've signed a decree on the introduction of a state of martial law in these four constituent entities of the Russian Federation. It will immediately be sent for approval to the Federation Council [Russia's upper house of parliament], and the State Duma will be informed of the decision," Putin said, speaking at a meeting of the Russian Security Council on Wednesday.
The president stated that despite the constitutional laws on the admission of four new regions into the Russian Federation coming into force, the Kiev regime had refused to “recognize the will” of the people, rejected any proposals for negotiations, and continued its shelling, resorting to openly terrorist methods.
Specific restrictions are set in place during the period of martial law. The rights and freedoms of citizens of the Russian Federation, foreigners, stateless persons, the activities of organizations, and the rights of officials may be limited to the extent required to ensure the defense of the country and the security of the state.
Additional responsibilities may be imposed on citizens, organizations, and officials. Among these measures may be:
Enforced maintenance of law and order, boosted protection of various infrastructure objects;
Temporary resettlement of residents to safe areas, evacuation of infrastructure objects of economic, social and cultural significance, prohibition or restriction of the choice of place of stay or place of residence;
A special regime of entry and exit from the territory where the regime of martial law is established, restriction of the movement of vehicles and their inspection;
Suspension of the activities of political parties, prohibition of rallies and other mass public events, strikes;
Participation of citizens in work targeting the needs of defense, liquidation of destruction, etc.
Seizure of property with subsequent reimbursement by the state of its value;
Prohibition of violation of curfew by citizens, whether in the streets or in other public places, checking of documents and inspection of vehicles;
Prohibition of arms sales, weapons, ammunition, explosives and poisonous substances, the establishment of a special regime for the circulation of medicines and preparations containing narcotic and other potent substances, alcoholic beverages. In cases stipulated by federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, seizure of weapons, ammunition, explosives and poisonous substances from citizens, and seizure of military and training military equipment and radioactive substances from organizations along with weapons, ammunition, explosives and poisonous substances;
Introduction of military censorship of postal items and messages transmitted using telecommunication systems, as well as control over telephone conversations, the creation of censorship bodies directly dealing with these issues, and determining the powers of such bodies;
Internment (isolation) of citizens of a foreign state at war with the Russian Federation in accordance with the generally recognized principles and norms of international law;
Introduction of military command in organizations and public authorities;
Termination of activities in international organizations, if it is established that they are performing activities aimed at undermining the defense and security of the country;
Elections on territory where martial law is in force cannot be held;
The text of the decree, grounded in provisions in the Russian Constitution, and the federal law "On Martial Law" of 2002, has been published on the Kremlin's website and states that martial law will be introduced at 00:00 on October 20.