US Mainstream Media Want Black People 'to Still Be on Democratic Plantation'
17:18 GMT 06.11.2022 (Updated: 14:00 GMT 19.12.2022)
© AP Photo / Mark TenallyThe United States Capitol building, west facade, at dawn is seen in this general view , Monday, Jan. 27, 2020, in Washington, DC

© AP Photo / Mark Tenally
Earlier this week, a US broadcaster reported that Democrats and their mainstream media had fired and demonized non-white Republicans due to the fact that they support conservative views “while simultaneously being Black or Hispanic”.
US mainstream media (MSM) “want black people to still be on that Democratic plantation, believing their every word and hanging on to their every promise”, Lavern Spicer, a Republican candidate who ran for Florida’s Twenty-Fourth Congressional District in the 2020 elections, has told Sputnik.
She said that over the last 50 years, promises made by Democrats “have completely left the black community in shambles".
“We don't have jobs. We don't have housing. What do we have? One thing that we do have is hope. Now we are educating ourselves. We are doing our due diligence. We are seeking knowledge. So we are no longer believing what we are seeing in the MSM and these other TV news media shows, that have been very misleading to the community, to the black conservatives, to the Hispanic conservatives. We no longer believe in that”, Spicer pointed out.
According to Spicer, a perception created by the mainstream media doesn’t correspond with reality.
“It doesn't because people are now realizing that a lot of the media is fake”, she said, adding that they “no longer just watch them [US media programs] and believe their narratives, because we know their narratives are very biased”.
The Republican candidate said that policies pursued by Democrats had “failed” both Hispanic and black communities, who “chose to not be tribal to them anymore”. These communities decided “to be independent thinkers and form our own opinions and our own views about how it is that we are seeking”, according to Spicer.
She also pointed to Democrats’ failed policies when commenting on an article by a US media outlet blaming the GOP for winning over Asian Americans and thus fueling complaints that "they are pitting racial and ethnic communities against each other.”
“They have such a biased approach because their policies have failed this country”, Spicer said, referring to “open borders”, “the highest gas prices ever in the history of the United States” as well as unemployment, people’s inability “to afford housing” and soaring food prices, something that she said is not Republicans's fault.
“It's the Democrats' fault because of their socialist views, their failed policies. We have more illegal immigrants in this country, millions more than we have ever seen. And all of this is causing a strain on our economy. People are tired of this. People are tired of going through this. This in itself is what is compelling people to vote in favor of the Republican Party, as well as leaving the Democratic Party and changing their parties all together”, she underlined.
The Republican candidate also accused Democrats of being “the ones that have always come up with all the divisive means of separating people based on their color”. According to her, black people are “tired of that” and are “very, very supportive of our conservative values”.
Spicer was echoed by Elbert Lee Guillory, former Republican member of Louisiana House of Representatives and of Louisiana State Senate, who told Sputnik that the MSM “has been a part of the Democratic Party as they “continually portrayed Democrats’ policies as fair and progressive”, while painting Republican policies as racist.
“Always racist, always the race card. Always divided. If we say ‘let's enforce safety and policing’, they say, ‘it's racist!’ If we say close the border to drugs and disease, they say ‘that's racist’. If we say, let's put people to work instead of on the welfare rolls, they scream ‘racist’”, Guillory said.
Dwelling on the MSM, he insisted that they are “very largely” owned and funded by “big money Democrats, and they do the bidding”, adding, “As I said, the harlots of the Democrat Party are the press”.
When asked why the MSM had built image whereby it is somehow shameful to be a conservative and how much similar commentaries polarize US society, Guillory said that “This is all a part of that foolishness that is portrayed by the press”, which “use race to divide us.”
“They even attempt to pit minority groups against each other. And we are fighting that very, very carefully. We are walking together, particularly with the black and Hispanic communities and the Asian community, very much joining with us against these foolish policies. The Native American community, the Cherokee, the Micmac, all of these Native American nations are also joining with blacks and Hispanics to bring about common sense policies for America and against the divisive foolishness of the Democrat Party and their minions in the press”, he underscored.
On the above-mentioned WaPo article containing allegations about the GOP “pitting racial and ethnic communities against each other”, Guillory lashed out at “very typical divisive politics sold by the Democrat Party, [and] foisted upon America by the Democrat Party”, who he claimed wants “to pit Asians against blacks”.
“Much of their enforcement of anti-discriminatory laws, like affirmative action, has harmed good quality merit scholars in the Asian community. There must be a balance. When affirmative action was created 50 years ago, it was not created as a highway into the future, as a crutch that would forever be used. It was a way of opening doors at that time, but it had become a numbers game for the nation”, Guillory said.