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The Critical Hour
The mainstream news outlets play it safe by parroting the perspectives of their corporate benefactors. The Critical Hour uses clear, cutting edge insight and analysis to examine national and international issues impacting the global village in which we live.

Weekly News Wrap-Up; Macron Issues Warning to Europe; Davos Plots; Did FBI Kill MLK?

Weekly News Wrap-Up; Macron Issues Warning to Europe; Davos Plots; Did FBI Kill MLK?
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Weekly News Wrap-Up; Macron Issues Warning to Europe; Davos Plots; Did FBI Kill MLK?
French President Emmanuel Macron has issued a stark warning to Europe regarding their freedom from complete US domination.
French President Emmanuel Macron has issued a stark warning to Europe regarding their freedom from complete US domination.
Caleb Maupin, journalist and political analyst, joins us to discuss this week's important news stories. French President Emmanuel Macron has issued a stark warning to Europe regarding their freedom from complete US domination. Also, A German general has a frank interview about the Ukrainian crisis and the CIA director has met with Ukrainian leaders.
Dr. Jack Rasmus, professor of Economics and Politics at St. Mary's College in California, joins us to discuss this week's important economic stories. Medicare Advantage is a neoliberal privatization plan for medicare. Also, the richest one percent took home two thirds of global wealth in 2020.
Dr. Gerald Horne, Professor of History at the University of Houston, TX, author, historian, and researcher, joins us to discuss this week's important news stories. Joe Biden has a disturbing message regarding Julian Assange. Also, South Africa will host a naval exercise with Russia and China and Florida has killed African American curriculums in schools.
Dr. Colin Campbell, DC Senior News Correspondent, and Dan Lazare, investigative journalist and author of "America's Undeclared War," join us to discuss this week's important news stories. A group of liberals has penned a neocon pro-war letter about Ukraine. Also, Washington is still orchestrating coups in Latin America and the US helped grow the Nazi regime in Ukraine.
Steve Poikonen, national organizer for Action4Assange, and Jim Kavanagh, whose work can be found at Jim Kavanagh's Substack, thepolemicist.net and Counterpunch, come together to discuss this week's important news stories. Scottish children will be surveyed on their gender. The FBI's crusade against Dr. Martin Luther King was abominable. Also, the GOP has not created a Church commission-style committee as they have argued.
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