- Sputnik International, 1920, 25.02.2022
Russia's Special Operation in Ukraine
On February 24, 2022 Russia launched a special military operation in Ukraine, aiming to liberate the Donbass region where the people's republics of Donetsk and Lugansk had been living under regular attacks from Kiev's forces.

Ukrainian Forces Shell ZNPP Security Staff: Russia's Nuclear Energy Corp.

© Sputnik / Konstantin MikhalchevskyFragment of the stele at the entrance to the territory of the Zaporozhye NPP in Energodar.
Fragment of the stele at the entrance to the territory of the Zaporozhye NPP in Energodar. - Sputnik International, 1920, 03.03.2023
MOSCOW (Sputnik) - Security staff at the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant (NPP) was shelled by the Ukrainian side, Renat Karchaa, a spokesman for Rosenergoatom, a subsidiary of Russian state nuclear energy corporation Rosatom, said on Friday.
"Our security staff, who ensure the process of meeting the IAEA inspectors, literally came under gun fire... I think that Russia will issue a note on this matter, in our opinion, it is absolutely impossible to leave such armed provocations without a response," Karchaa told Russian broadcaster.
Even representatives of the Ukrainian side who participated in the rotation process "did not understand what was going on," which indicates "complete lack of control" on this section of the line of contact, the official added.
On Thursday, International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Director General Rafael Grossi announced the successful rotation of the agency's experts at the ZNPP.
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