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US Attack on Iran Would Open Pandora's Box

US Attack on Iran Would Open Pandora's Box; MSNBC Host Caught Blasting Biden for Warmongering
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US Attack on Iran Would Open Pandora's Box; MSNBC Host Caught Blasting Biden for Warmongering
MSNBC host Joy Reid was caught blasting President Biden with profanity for starting another war as concern over a catastrophic attack on Iran rises.
MSNBC host Joy Reid was caught blasting President Biden with profanity for starting another war as concern over a catastrophic attack on Iran rises.
Jeremy Kuzmarov, author and managing editor of Covert Magazine, joins us to discuss concerns that President Biden may launch a catastrophic attack on Iran.
Mark Sleboda, Moscow-based international relations security analyst, joins us to discuss the collapse of the neocon Ukraine project and US plans to maintain its illegal occupation in Syria.
KJ Noh, peace activist, writer, and teacher, joins us to discuss Japan's actions causing riffs with Russia.
Ricardo Vaz, political analyst and editor at Venezuelananalysis, joins us to discuss the US theft of Citgo from Venezuela and the attempted assassinations of President Maduro.
Robert Fantina, journalist and Palestinian activist, joins us to discuss Pakistan's lawfare as Imran Khan is sentenced to 10 years and the ICJ ruling.
Dan Lazare, investigative journalist and author of America's Undeclared War, discusses The Julian Assange indictment and the EU's Digital Services Act.
Caleb Maupin, journalist and political analyst, joins us to discuss the US empire's inability to accept its fall from power as the dominating bloc in the world.
Craig Jardula, co-host of the Convo Couch and host of the Pasta2go, joins us to discuss MSNBC host Joy Reid, who was caught blasting President Biden with profanity for starting another war and Nancy Pelosi's cold war attacks on protesters.
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