- Sputnik International, 1920, 25.02.2022
Russia's Special Operation in Ukraine
On February 24, 2022 Russia launched a special military operation in Ukraine, aiming to liberate the Donbass region where the people's republics of Donetsk and Lugansk had been living under regular attacks from Kiev's forces.

Ukraine Loses Up to 470 Soldiers in Donetsk Direction in Past Day - Russian Defense Ministry

© AP Photo / LibkosA Ukrainian soldier runs for cover during fights with Russian forces near Maryinka, Friday, Dec. 23, 2022.
A Ukrainian soldier runs for cover during fights with Russian forces near Maryinka, Friday, Dec. 23, 2022. - Sputnik International, 1920, 14.04.2024
MOSCOW, (Sputnik) - The Russian armed forces have taken "more advantageous" positions in the Donetsk direction, the Russian Defense Ministry said on Sunday, adding that the Ukrainian armed forces had lost up to 470 soldiers in the area in the past day.
"The enemy lost up to 470 troops and 20 vehicles [in the Donetsk direction]," the ministry said in a statement.
The Russian military has taken "more advantageous positions" and defeated personnel and equipment of the 92nd, 28th and 93rd mechanized brigades of the Ukrainian armed forces in the Donetsk direction, the statement added.
Local residents flee a fire caused by an air strike of the Ukrainian armed forces on a settlement in Lugansk region in 2014. - Sputnik International, 1920, 13.04.2024
Russia's Special Operation in Ukraine
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The Ukrainian military lost up to 500 soldiers in the direction of Avdeyevka and Kupyansk, the statement added.
In the South Donetsk direction, Ukraine’s forces lost about 150 troops, while in the direction of Belgorod, some 60 Ukrainian soldiers were killed, according to the statement. The Ukrainian military also lost up to 55 soldiers in the Kherson direction, the ministry said.
Additionally, the Russian armed forces destroyed the German-made IRIS-T air defense system, the statement read.
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